
  • Ph.D. 2007 – University of Maryland, Educational Psychology
  • M.A. 2006 – University of Maryland, Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation
  • M.Ed. 1998 – University of Maryland, Education, Counseling and Personnel Services
  • B.A. 1995 – Carleton College, Psychology

Areas of Expertise

  • Science of Learning
  • Self-Regulated Learning
  • Epistemic Cognition
  • Digital Literacy
  • Research Methods


Greene leverages the science of learning to help people be better critical consumers and producers of information, particularly in online and technology environments.

Greene began his career in higher education administration and became interested in the science of learning as he watched some students struggle to translate their capacity into academic and lifetime success.

He believes that the vast majority of students, from kindergarten through graduate school, have the capability to achieve their goals. Many students struggle because they have not been exposed to the “hidden curriculum” of learning; this is what Greene strives to understand and communicate to students, educators, and parents.

The digital world brings many opportunities to learners, but also many challenges and dangers. Greene works to understand how to help people be thoughtful users and producers of digital content, with particular interests in how people learn about science, socio-scientific issues, and history when online.


There is so much information available online – how do people find what they need, decide what to believe, and avoid the many distractions the Internet brings? These are the kinds of question Greene explores in his research.  Together with his students and collaborators from the School of Education, the greater UNC community, and around the world, Greene studies how to help students self-regulate their learning so that they can maximize their potential online and in the classroom. In addition, he studies how to help students be better critical consumers, users, and producers of knowledge. His work shows teaching the science of learning to students results in better, deeper thinkers who can experience greater academic and lifelong success.
